ESORICS 2015 PhD Consortium
The PhD Consortium will take place in conjunction with the 20th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2015), to be held on September 23 – 25, 2015 at the Vienna University of Technology.
We particularly encourage submissions from students who are at the last stages of their doctoral work but with sufficient time prior to completing their dissertation, and from those who are in the beginning stages but have a specific research proposal who can obtain valuable feedback about their research plans.
If you are accepted to present in the PhD Consortium, you will have the opportunity to attend the full ESORICS Symposium from September 23 – 25, 2015 for free!*
Important Deadlines:
Doctoral Consortium Submission: August 28, 2015
Author Notification: September 7, 2015
ESORICS PhD Consortium: September 25, 2015
Submission / Application
Topics of presentations should be related to the conference topics.
Send your contribution for the ESORICS 2015 PhD Consortium to Edgar Weippl and Yvonne Poul by August 28, 2015.
The submitted contribution shall include:
- author’s name;
- affiliation;
- a 150 words abstract;
- the name of the student’s PhD supervisor(s);
- research problem;
- outline of objectives;
- related work
- expected outcome;
- stage of the research
- describe how the research is related to one of the conference topics
- list recent papers you published (optional)
Attend ESORICS 2015 PhD Consortium!
- Improve your research!
- Share and develop your research ideas in a critical but supportive environment!
- Get feedback from well-known researchers in the ISecurity community!
- Improve your communication skills!
- Build relationships with other PhD students and international researchers!
- Learn from a Mentor
*coffee breaks and social events are not included